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The DQV metrics derived by the various components are visualized in a user-friendly manner by the UI component. It relies on the Metrics Cache to supply the metrics. It is intended to help data providers and data portals to check their metadata quality and to receive suggestions for improvements. The results are presented via the MQA and are also available as download. In the following we describe the functionality of the MQA and the methodology it uses.

An production example can be found here: ?

Setup Metrics UI#

  1. Clone the Git repository
  2. Build Setup
    # install dependencies
    npm install
    # serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
    npm run dev
    # build for production with minification
    npm run build
    # build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
    npm run build --report
    # run unit tests
    npm run unit
    # run e2e tests
    npm run e2e
    # run all tests
    npm test

For a detailed explanation on how things work, check out the guide and docs for vue-loader.

Configuration Reference#

Configurations are stored inside config as dev.env.js and prod.env.js. Refer to example.env.js for an example configuration file.

Configurations can be accessed in code by using

// or

Key Description
NODE_ENV Which Node environment to use (development or production)
ROOT_API Base URL for API requests. Should point to a metrics-cache API.
ROOT_URL The service URL of this application, e.g.,
MATOMO_URL Matomo Analyze backend URL
DEBUG_DEV Used for debug logging
SCORING_START_DATE Start date for the rating evolution graph formatted as ISO, e.g, 2020-01-01
SCORING_STEP_SIZE Step size for the data value axis of the rating evolution graph
SCORING_MAX_POINTS Maximum value of the data value axis of the rating evolution graph
HISTORY_START_DATE Start date for all historic graphs formatted as ISO, e.g., 2020-01-01
HISTORY_RESOLUTION Resolution of the historic graphs, e.g., month

Runtime Configuration#

We utilize a Vue plugin RuntimeConfiguration to configure a web application using environment variables without rebuilding it.

See Configuration Reference table for all available runtime variables.


Normally, you would use process.env to consume environment specific configuration. This changes here. To consume environment variables in a Vue component, use this.$env as you would use process.env.


this.$env.MATOMO_URL // Formerly process.env.MATOMO_URL

this.$env differs from process.env in a way that some properties that are set using environment variables are set here. That means that in a development environment, this.$env would be equivalent to process.env.

Creating new runtime variables#

If you want to make configuration properties dynamic during runtime using environment variables, follow these steps:

  1. In runtime-config-template.js, add your desired configuration variable as a property and enter its enivronment variable name as value. However, there are some restrictions you must follow:
    • Environment variable names in runtime-config-template.js must have the prefix $VUE_APP_.
    • Ensure that the property you want to replace during runtime is consistent in its name and structure.
  2. Build and deploy the application.
  3. Set your environment variable without the dollar sign $ at the beginning. For example, if your new entry in runtime-config-template.js is MATOMO_URL: '$VUE_APP_MATOMO_URL', make sure you set the environment variable VUE_APP_MATOMO_URL.
  4. Your variable is now ready for consumption and can be changed during runtime by changing their associated environment variable.


Let's suppose process.env looks like this (depending on how the project is set up):

  NODE_ENV: 'production',
  ROOT_API: '',
  ROOT_URL: '',
      API_URL: '',
      ID: 89

and you want to change ROOT_API, MATOMO.API_URL, and MATOMO.ID during runtime. Let's go through the steps outlined above:

  1. runtime-config-template.js, would look like this:
    export default {
      MATOMO_URL: {
          ID: '$VUE_APP_MATOMO_ID'
  2. Build and deploy.
  3. Now set the environment variables. These are: VUE_APP_ROOT_API, VUE_APP_MATOMO_API_URL, and VUE_APP_MATOMO_ID.

Key Technologies#