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Hub Store Integration#

This guides describes how to deploy piveau-hub-store as the file storage backend and configure the UI to use it. The store allows you to store and manage actual data in piveau.


First, you need to deploy piveau-hub-store.



The Hub Store requires an authentication service. It is recommended to set up Keycloak using this guide.

If deploying to a Kubernetes environment the Hub Store and its dependencies can be installed through a Helm Chart.

$ helm repo add paca
$ helm install <release-name> paca/piveau-hub-store

Add the following environment variables to the Hub Store deployment, to authenticate to the configured Keycloak .

    "tokenServerConfig": {
    "keycloak": {
        "serverUrl": "http://keycloak.domain.tld",
        "realm": "REALM"
    "issuer": "http://keycloak.domain.tld/realms/REALM"
PIVEAU_STORE_CORS_DOMAINS: '["https://domain.tld","https://sub.domain.tld"]'


Create a network for the components and run the MongoDB and Hub Store containers

$ docker network create hub-store
$ docker run -d --name mongo --net hub-store -p 27017:27017 mongo
$ docker run -it -p 8080:8080 --net hub-store -e MONGO_DB_URI=mongodb://mongo:27017 -e MONGO_DB_NAME=piveau -e MONGO_DB_COLLECTION=data -e HTTP_PORT=8080 hub-store

To connect the Hub Store components to other running Docker services, the same environmental variables as described above must be set.

UI Variables#

To enable the file upload of distributions in the Data Provider Interface set the VITE_API_FILE_UPLOAD_URL environment in the UI deployment to the FQDN of the Hub Store. The Helm Chart sets up an ingress, use the host property to populate this variable.

VITE_API_FILE_UPLOAD_URL: "http://hub-store.domain.tld"

Use the VITE_CONTENT_DATA_PROVIDER_INTERFACE_UPLOAD_FILE_TYPES environment variable to specify what file types can be uploaded.