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piveau Profile#

Experimental Feature

The described features, configuration and APIs are work in progress.

A piveau Profile is central configuration that allows you to customize the metadata model of piveau instance. Hence, it enables you to modify, extend and configure the DCAT-AP-based core model. Furthermore it allows you add additional metadata types beyond catalogs, datasets and distributions. Currently, piveau Profile is supported by hub-repo and hub-search and if used it needs to be enabled in both services.


A piveau Profile is a directory that contains a manifest file package.json and one or more SHACL files. The SHACL files defines the metadata model and are using a domain-specific properties.

└─ my-profile
    ├─ piveau.json
    ├─ shacl-file-1.ttl
    ├─ shacl-file-2.ttl
    └─ samples

The profile will take effect on the following aspects:

  • The mapping in Elasticsearch
  • The indexing process from RDF to the mapping
  • The OpenAPI description of the hub-search API
  • The availability of additional entities in hub-repo and hub-search

Enabling the Feature#

The following config applied for both hub-repo and hub-search will enable and configure a piveau Profile.

        "piveau_profile": true
        "type": "directory",
        "path": "/path/to/my/profile/my-profile"


The piveau.json has the following minimal structure:

  "version": "1",
  "id": "my-profile",
  "core": [
      "id": "dataset",
      "description": "My model for a dataset",
      "path": "my-profile.ttl",
      "name": "dataset",
      "shapeUri": ""
  "resources": [
      "id": "my-resource",
      "description": "My Resource",
      "path": "my-resource.ttl",
      "name": "my-resource",
      "typeUri": "",
      "shapeUri": "",

Models with SHACL#

The foundation of a piveau Profile are SHACL files that use domain-specific properties.

@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix dct: <> .
@prefix sh: <> .
@prefix pv: <> .

    a pv:PiveauProfile ;
    pv:profileVersion "1" ;
    dct:title "My Profile"@en ;
    dct:description "Based and inspired by DCAT-AP 2.1.1"@en ;
    owl:versionInfo "0.0.1" .

    a sh:NodeShape ;    
    sh:name "Catalog"@en ;
    sh:property [
        pv:mappingClass "SimpleMultiLangTitle" ;
        pv:mappingName "title" ;
        sh:minCount 1 ;
        sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ;
        sh:path dct:title ;
        sh:severity sh:Violation ;
    ] ;
    sh:targetClass dcat:Catalog .


Installing or updating a piveau Profile requires a restart of the services. In case you change existing properties a reset and reindex of the search index is required.

Further Reading#

  • You find a reference about the domain-specific SHACL properties here.
  • You find a tutorial to create your first custom metadata model here.