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Scheduling APIs#

The scheduling component provides a REST API for managing triggers. The API description as html rendered is accessible through the root context. The OpenAPI itself can be downloaded via



It is not yet necessary to make this endpoint external if you just use it for maintenance. As soon as a front end is available, this could change.

The REST API also provides a health endpoint for cluster deployments to support liveness and startup probes:


The scheduler needs to communicate with all other consus components. This is especially true in regard to the pipe starting modules, usually the importers.


In a cluster environment it makes sense to make the trigger endpoint and/or the CLI interfaces accessible from the outside of the cluster.

Mounting Points#

Trigger Persistence#

The scheduling component contains a build in persistence db for triggers. The mounting point is



The mounting point for additional pipes is



The following environment variables can be used to configure the scheduling component.

Variable Description Default Value
PORT Port this service will run on. 8080
PIVEAU_CLUSTER_CONFIG Json object describing the mapping between service name and endpoint. No default value
PIVEAU_SHELL_CONFIG Json object describing shell endpoints. No default value
PIVEAU_FAVICON_PATH Path to favicon, used in OpenAPI rendering. webroot/images/favicon.png
PIVEAU_LOGO_PATH Path to logo, used in OpenAPI rendering. webroot/images/logo.png


Variable Description Default Value
PIVEAU_PIPE_LOG_APPENDER Configures the log appender for the pipe context STDOUT
LOGSTASH_HOST The host of the logstash service logstash
LOGSTASH_PORT The port the logstash service is running 5044
PIVEAU_PIPE_LOG_PATH Path to the file for the file appender logs/piveau-pipe.%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log
PIVEAU_PIPE_LOG_LEVEL The log level for the pipe context INFO
PIVEAU_LOG_LEVEL The log level for the service console. INFO

Command Line Interface#

You can enable a CLI access for scheduling:


$ telnet localhost 5000

The access point can be configured via the following environment variable that takes a JSON object:


This JSON object should look like this:

  "http": {
    "host": "",
    "port": 8085
  "telnet": {
    "host": "",
    "port": 5000    

The example shows both available options, a simple http access and a telnet access, with the default values. E.g. if you just want to have telnet access enabled with default values (port 5000 on all network interfaces) you can just set { "telnet": {} }.


The access points are not secured!